Sheena Meagher is a visual artist working in counties Clare and Kildare, Ireland.
E mail; SheenaMeagher.com@gmail.com
All images and content are copyright to Sheena Meagher unless otherwise stated.
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HorseMania at the Alltec FEI Equestrian Games 2010

Shortlisted proposal to represent County Kildare at Horse Mania, at the Alltech F.E.I. Equestrian Games at Lexington, Kentucky.
The brief was to paint/decorate a life size fibre glass horse for the HorseMania Event.
My proposal was to gild the horse silver, and define the structure and muscles tone using text and words collected from people associated with horse racing and breeding in Co. Kildare –‘The Thoroughbred County’, thereby bringing a sense of community and sense of Kildare directly to Lexington, Kentucky.
Contact E mail; sheenameagher.com@gmail.com
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