Sheena Meagher is a visual artist working in counties Clare and Kildare, Ireland.
E mail; SheenaMeagher.com@gmail.com
All images and content are copyright to Sheena Meagher unless otherwise stated.
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Roasting coffee aromas fanned out onto the street,
Half intimidated by the waitress 'Tattens' we always seemed to get when as children we were brought for a treat to Bewley’s. I recognised her voice immediately on Bowman; Sunday - (I always asked for Shepherds Pie, followed by Rice Pudding, both were served in foil tins.)
Thawing out from freezing student living over almond buns and white coffee on
Sundays, the four sections of the
single paper shared out between us
High spirits at 6 a.m. after the Trinity Ball, everyone in the cafe wearing black tie and ball gowns as Bewley's opened specially for the occasion.
Fascination with the boiled sweet rotating vats during a personal tour of the sweet factory
upstairs, – I was researching
at the time and had dreams for years after about getting
lost in such meandering corridors.

Delight as my overseas visitors to the Bacon Studio and Harry Clarke windows in the Municipal Gallery sipped their tea and slowly realised they were seated under more art.
‘The Table’
- towards the back of the restaurant where breakups invariably happened - Not too public, but safely surrounded by
people should things get out of hand.
Lunchtime Plays, served with a bowl of soup
and brown bread,
Narrow balcony seats high over Grafton
Street, the scene below felt like theatre.
Inside wine high backed snugs, bentwood
chairs, real coal
Authentic, original, cherished
Like a Phoenix Bewleys rose up from the ashes before.
Can this really ‘be the end’ for Bewley’s of Grafton Street?
©Sheena Meagher
This cut out figure has been in my window since it was gifted to me by a friend returning to the States. I love the childlike, carefree energy it evokes- and somehow it is always positioned to dance in the moonlight!
Light sparkling on water; a painting of the full moon on Annaghmakerrig Lake, and a photo of light defracted into all the colours of the rainbow on Silver Strand like petals.
Full moon in May is the planting moon, the flower moon.
Normal People, Trinity College Dublin in this very different month of May

THE GLORIOUS 5TH OF MAY (to quote Terry Pratchett)
As I prepare to launch into the
day – and it is a gloriously beautiful one – I remember Paul Brady’s words ‘My optimism doesn’t mean I’m not aware or I don’t care’.
I wonder how I ever ‘fitted’ or
probably squeezed SO much into every hour of every day of every week. And all those classes - which I loved, and
miss, the exercise, the people, the learning.
I love to get away to the Tyrone
Guthrie Centre, giving myself the Gift of Time to create, to paint, and to chat
with other folk who were gathered around the coffee table or at the nightly
dinner at 7pm when the gong was sounded to call everyone from their work. It’s taken til now, - I had hints at the
start this might happen.
Today I am setting up my studio
in the front hall on this the glorious 5th of May, 2020.
Here are
two of my household, the ‘co- cocooners’, Charlie and PepR. They are the best of friends, take all sorts
of knocks from each other and never hold a grudge of get jealous of each other.
I had
always wanted a sighthound but when PepR chose a straggly, half wild brown fuzz
covered year old Lurcher with whom I had
no connection I went along with it and it was the best decision ever. The Lurcher matured into a wonderful dog, who
had great empathy with my dad during his last years, loves my mum and adores my
nephew. The pair of dogs are like non
identical twins, they fit so well together.
I am so thankful I stayed with that decision, and didn’t break Pepr’s
heart when the ‘perfect Lurcher puppy’, complete with a white tip at the end of
his tail was presented by the KWWSPCA weeks later. That pup found a perfect home with a couple
who love running and hillwalking.
One of my first ever animal portraits of my own first dog; a golden cocker spaniel with her constant companion Random. Random was named after the Random Inn pub in Naas where she lived. When she discovered our house and garden she used to come for a social visit and a few hours sleep in one of the dogs beds. Her owner was retiring from the Inn and asked my mother if the dog -known to her as Towser, could stay with us . Of course we were delighted. Random lived with us from then on, but returned to the pub for her dinner every day - the food was more to her taste. She took Sheeba, the cocker spaniel under her wing and the pair slept entwined , like the eternity symbol except in black and gold rather than black and white.
Sheeba was a wild spirit, a tree climber, loved chasing gulls across the rocks at Lahinch and her show name was Lucia of the Maybush, being born on May 1st. The year I brought her to the Cocker Show in Dublin she won hands down, the judges delighting in her happy friendly nature.
Sheeba was a wild spirit, a tree climber, loved chasing gulls across the rocks at Lahinch and her show name was Lucia of the Maybush, being born on May 1st. The year I brought her to the Cocker Show in Dublin she won hands down, the judges delighting in her happy friendly nature.
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