

Here are two of my household, the ‘co- cocooners’, Charlie and PepR.  They are the best of friends, take all sorts of knocks from each other and never hold a grudge of get jealous of each other.

I had always wanted a sighthound but when PepR chose a straggly, half wild brown fuzz covered year old  Lurcher with whom I had no connection I went along with it and it was the best decision ever.  The Lurcher matured into a wonderful dog, who had great empathy with my dad during his last years, loves my mum and adores my nephew.  The pair of dogs are like non identical twins, they fit so well together.  I am so thankful I stayed with that decision, and didn’t break Pepr’s heart when the ‘perfect Lurcher puppy’, complete with a white tip at the end of his tail was presented by the KWWSPCA weeks later.   That pup found a perfect home with a couple who love running and hillwalking. 

I’m also grateful for this beautiful colourful time when I can be outdoors in the garden, birdsong, sunshine and loving how people in sometimes sad and all in changed circumstances are focusing on what they can offer and who are so grateful for what they do have.

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